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Course Module 5


The primary focus of this course module is to introduce students to the field of mobile robotics. The building components of robots, such as the chassis, motors, microcontroller, different types of sensors, and wireless communication are covered. Even though simple, low-cost, toy robots are used for the hands-on practical activities, the main concepts will actually easily extend to limitless real-world practical applications.


The e-mindset challenges offer students opportunities to make connections of the basic concepts learned here with current real-world applications, where microcontrollers, sensors and actuators are used for making all kinds of 'smart' gadgets, from autonomous vehicles to the the 'smart' home. The curious mind will not stop here, but it goes far beyond by exploring and finding new application scenarios that have never been thought before. 


To open the lab click on: Course Module 5 Lab



Students are highly recommended to review the following tutorials before coming to class. This will help facilitate the learning process in the classroom and it makes for effective utilization of class time.


1) Arduino Tutorial -- part 2


2) Examples of Current Technological Innovations Powered by ECE

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